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Win a £20 voucher every month!


New For 2024

Being seen on our socials is getting tougher and tougher, so instead of giving our money to Facebook to pay for ads, I would prefer to give it to you instead!

Tag us in your posts, stories or reels on Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok whether its of your order, your children or just to tell people about us online & you'll be entered into a monthly draw to win a £20 voucher to spend at Sweet Pea (children's)

Each individual post = 1 entry. This means if you post multiple pictures at once this is one entry, post the pictures individually over days and each will count as a separate entry.

For facebook entries please message us with a link as notifications don't always show.

Don't worry about it being professional, your best is always good enough xx 

Draws will happen the 12th of each month, 

Good Luck & lets see if we can share the love & grow our preloved gang!

Lots of Love
