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Fun Things For Kids Natures Edition - Sweet Pea Preloved Clothes

Fun Things For Kids Natures Edition

This week we are thinking about nature!
While the weather is nice why not?

Bug Hotel

This can be as simple or as ambitious as you want it to be! fill an old baked bean tin with sticks, moss, pine cones & leaves or build a multi story hotel with bricks and stones! This can begin with a walk and talk about what insects they think might like the different things they are collecting, then back home to construct your bug hotel! Get some great ideas here 

Mud Pies!!! 

I have the happiest memories of sitting in my nana's greenhouse making mud pies! and thats what this is all about, making those memories so get the messy play clothes on and get dirty! Grab a wooden spoon and some kitchen utensils, a bowl or baking tin then add clover, dandilions, hedge trimmings, different leaves, pebbles, wood chips, twigs and let those little minds get creative!

Fab inspiration here 

Tree & leaf rubbings 

It's exactly what it say's on the tin! grab your paper and crayons , find a tree and make your rubbing. This is also really effective with leaves, brilliant for smaller ones - pop different leaves under a sheet of paper, tape the corners down and then rub the crayons or colouring pencils across the paper, use different colours to get even more creative! If you don't have access to nature try the same with different coins!

More inspiration here

Have lots of fun and please share any of your creations!!

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