Free postage when you spend £45

Sweet Pea Selling Details

We hope to offer a hassle free alternative to selling your clothes yourself. No uploading, no haggling, no waiting for items to sell - or not! Just get your space back in one easy transaction.

We do not accept clothes that have been stored/purchased longer than 8 years. You can find everything we don't accept here 

1. Read through & choose the selling option/s that suit you (it can be more than one & they can all go in the same parcel, just separate within the parcel)

2. Once washed etc, box the clothes up, let me know the weight & a prepaid label will be emailed to you. You'll also need to download this checklist to include in your parcel.

3. Then drop your clothes off locally to you, at a time that suits you!

It really is THAT easy! 

Option 1 - I don’t want to iron or sort.

Thats ok we understand parents are busy. Just box your clothes up & choose to get paid or donate. 

Option 2 - I’m happy to iron.

You’ll get the best return for your money this way. 

So what are my clothes worth?

All pre loved clothing must be in excellent condition, no marks, damage, pilling or fade. It is your choice if you iron or not but as you will see this affects the price paid. We accept Newborn (not prem or tiny) to 15 years.

Earn an extra 20% if you opt for store credit rather than cash on per kilo options!!!

High Street Brands

Next, M&S, GAP, River Island, Mayoral etc are paid per kilo. £2 not ironed, £5 ironed or £7 New With tags. Check what brands we take here 

All seasons accepted all year round. No need for photos.


High End - £10 per kilo 

No need to iron. No need for photos, all seasons taken all year round and all ages taken at this price point.

Think Boden, Frugi & other organic brands, all Trotters brands, Ralph Lauren etc. Any higher end brand that’s 12 months and under is paid £10 per kilo & doesn’t qualify for paid per item or commission unless exceptional circumstances or new with tags.

Individual Prices and Commission- 

Paid Per item - Photo's can be sent in (this is for higher priced brands only) for quotes prior to posting or they can be priced on arrival if you prefer. All seasons accepted all year round.

Sell on Commission - This is for higher priced brands, Luxury or Organic brands only. Not High Street or ages 12months and under.

Find out details here 

Exceptions to the rule 

We will take sleeping bags from Lower end brands except primark but they must be in excellent condition. Paid at £1.50 per kilo.

We will also take donations of new dummies & nappies for the families in crisis charity we work closely with.

The Nitty Gritty can be found here 

click> What To Do Next