Fun things for kids. Art Edition.
This weeks fun things for kids is an arty edition! This is my comfort zone so I thought I’d share things that have been a hit with us, bearing in mind I’m entertaining a 9 and 10 year old but these can be adapted to all ages.
Blow painting. This is great for al ages, really simple fun! Just make sure your surface is protected!! For younger children I would always advise to tape down your paper in each corner, dab quite watery paint onto your paper and blow through a straw, keep adding colours to make fun, exciting pictures.
For a sunny day get an old roll of wallpaper or stick a length of sheets of paper together on the lawn, squeeze paints onto plates (paper ones if you have them) and let them dip their hands and feet in the paint and run riot on the paper, obviously this is designed to be done naked! In a world of restrictions let them be free and run wild! It will all wash off, if you are not so brave why not give them chalks instead? This doesn’t have to be done on paper either, let them be creative and the rain will wash it away
An educational one… Learn about African art, textiles and jewellery. This can be done online, look at the patterns and colours. Now recreate your own design using things you might have around the home. This might be sequins, buttons, cut up a straw, rice, lentils, pasta, tea leaves, nut shells, coloured wrappers, cardboard, twigs, leaves, different things that create texture and height, sticking them together to create your own artwork or piece of jewellery design. This can be glued together and once dry painted if you wish.
For younger children a selection of different coloured cut up papers or cereal boxes in small bowls to stick on paper will be just as much fun. You can create your own glue with a small amount of flour and water.
Get messy, have fun & share your ideas!